Some patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 require hospitalisation, since the . illness may get worse to the point of causing severe respiratory failure. In patients with severe forms of COVID-19, immunomodulatory drugs such as corticosteroids may help reduce the number of deaths. However, antiviral medicines such as Remdesivir do not reduce mortality, but only the number of hospitalisations. Humoral immunity (antibodies) plays an essential role in the immune response to SARS-CoV-2, but this response becomes strong only several weeks after infection. In patients with severe forms of COVID-19, stronger antibody responses have been observed, but they occur with significant delay.
Observations of this nature have previously been used to develop treatment using plasma (which contains antibodies) from individuals who have recovered from infections. It is called passive immunotherapy and has been used for more than a hundred years. A study by the RECOVERY Collaborative Group (Oxford University) has recently published results on the effectiveness and safety of this treatment using plasma from patients recovered from COVID-19 on individuals hospitalised with the same illness.
11 558 patients enrolled for this study, half of them having received plasma from recovered individuals, and the other half having been treated according to more conventional procedures. 92% of the patients had already received conventional treatment by corticosteroids before the two groups were formed. The average age was 63,5 and the average time since the first appearance of symptoms was 9 days. 5% needed to be put on ventilators, 87% received oxygen and 8% had no need of help with breathing.
The first conclusion to be drawn was that there is no difference in mortality rates after 28 days between patients treated by immunotherapy and those receiving conventional treatment: 24% of patients in each group died. There was also no significant difference where ventilators were used. In addition, the causes of death were similar with or without the use of immunotherapy. And, with or without immunotherapy, the duration of symptoms or the time before the patient’s eventual death was the same, no matter what the age or ethnic origin of the individual.