By the 9 th of June 2021, COVID-19 had officially caused more than 3,7 million deaths across the globe. The United States and Brazil alone represent 28% of deaths worldwide and 59% of deaths across North and South America. In these 2 countries, the number of deaths varies between states, depending on which public health precautions were applied, since any national coordination was almost non-existent.
In Brazil, the situation remains very difficult: in April 2021, 9 cities recorded more deaths than births. In addition, by the 25th of April, the number of deaths in 2021 had already exceeded the total for 2020. However, the country had previously seen an increase in life expectancy from 46 to 77 years between 1945 and 2000, an average increase of 5 months per year. American researchers at the School of Public Health, Boston, Princeton University have evaluated and analysed the decrease in life expectancy in Brazil in 2020 and during the first 4 months of 2021.
They started with the overall number of deaths from January 2020 to April 2021, according to gender, and throughout the whole of Brazil. They were thus able to calculate the life expectancy e0 of a new born child. This figure indicates the average number of years that a baby can expect to live if he/she is born in a particular year and is subject to the prevailing mortality rate of this year for the whole of his/her life. As an example, the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918 reduced life expectancy e0 in the United States by about 10 years. Since COVID-19 was more deadly for elderly people, the life expectancy e65 was also calculated, corresponding to the number of years that a 65 year old could expect to live on average.
The researchers thus estimated an average reduction in life expectancy e0 in Brazil between 2019 and 2020 of 1,31 years, a reduction that was more pronounced for boys (1,57 years) than for girls (0,95 years). Life expectancy e0 had therefore regressed as compared to 2014. The largest decrease was in the state of Amazonas, in the north of the country (3,46 years) while Rio Grande do Sul, in the south, was the only state to record an increase in life expectancy e0 (0,07 years).